Create a Segment Transfer Campaign

  • Log In to your CrossEngage account.

  • Go to Segment Transfer, and click on "Create Segment Transfer".

  • Give your Segment Transfer a meaningful name.

  • Choose when to dispatch Segment Transfers. You can set this to go out once, or on a regular schedule.

  • Click Save, and go to Step 2: Target Group.

  • Choose a User Segment to transfer to your SFTP Server.

  • Click on Save, and go to Step 3: Target & Format.

  • Click on Create new Transfer Format.

  • Give your Transfer a meaningful name.

  • Choose your Integration for the Transfer. For more on setting up your SFTP Integration, click here.

  • Give your file(s) a unique name. If you are setting up recurring uploads, it is important to have filenames that you can identify and distinguish later. For example, if your uploads are daily, you can add the date to the filename.

  • Choose your compression format, or set the file to uncompressed.

  • Select file Properties for your CSV Upload.

    • Column Names: Choose whether to include a Header row with column names at the start of the document.

    • Field Delimiter: Choose the character to separate the fields, use the Comma if unsure.

    • Row Delimiter: Choose how to end a row, you can use "\n\r" if unsure.

    • Wrapper: Choose a character, in which each field value will be wrapped.

    • Escape: This is to ensure that the wrapper character can be distinguished by the same character inside a field. Using double quotations for both, the Wrapper and the Escape character is fairly common.

    • NULL values: Choose what to write when a value is NULL. If left empty, an emplty string is written by default.

  • Create the column structure of your CSV. You can go column by column, giving each column a name, and a value. The value can be a user attribute, a handlebar combining attributes, or some fixed value.

  • Click Save, and go to Step 4: Frequency Capping.

  • Choose your frequency caps and exclusion Rules.

  • Click on "Go to Transfer Summary".

  • If the Segment Transfer is in order, you can now activate it.

Last updated