Data Management with Data Feeds

CrossEngage allows you to import or manage your Data by uploading JSON files to an SFTP location. This method is quite useful for managing data in bulk, as a single JSON can be processed with a large number of records.

Before uploading a file, please compress it using gzip / zip compression (.gz).

Managing Data Feeds

On the CrossEngage Platform, go to Settings -> System Setup.

Click on User Feed.

Select the Protocol for connecting to your server, where the JSONs will be uploaded. CrossEngage supports FTP, SFTP and FTPS for your file server.

Enter your authentication information (Username and Password) for the server.

Click on Enable Feed, and Save Changes.

Similarly, repeat the process for your Product Feed.

CrossEngage systems check for new files uploaded to the Server multiple times every hour. When a new file is found, it is added to a queue to be processed. You can see when CrossEngage processes a new file in the Activity Log. After processing, files are moved to the "Processed" folder, where they are automatically deleted after 10 days.

Last updated