Prepare and Validate Data

When you start a Campaign on the Customer Prediction Platform, the first task is to upload and validate your data. It consists of the following steps:

  1. Upload data files to the Predictions Platform.

  2. Map the files to our Internal Tables.

  3. Validate Data Quality.

  4. Create a Data Package.

File Naming Scheme

Uploaded files can be of two types, BASE files or DELTA files.

  • BASE files contain complete data of a certain period, and are required for each data package, e.g. transaction files for individual years.

  • DELTA files contain data of the current time window only. Since these are 'incomplete', they may later be replaced. These are useful usually only in the current data package, e.g. all transactions of the current year.

  • All Customer files are DELTA files, while transaction / activity files can be BASE or DELTA.

The file name should be in the following format:


For example, some valid file names could be:

  • Customer data (full load) ---> customers_delta.csv

  • Transactions 2016-2018 ---> transactions_base_2016_2018.csv

  • Outbound Activities 2014 ---> activities_outbound_base_2014.csv

  • Transactions 2023 YTD ---> transactions_delta_2023.csv

The current year is also always delivered completely. However, only the current file is read in each case. When the year is over, a last export is made and delivered as a base file. The new year then starts again as a delta file

Upload Data Files

The CrossEngage Customer Predictions Platform accepts data in CSV file formats. Our Platform accepts CSV files structured according to the RFC4180 standard, with the extension that the field names should be included in the first row of the file.

  • The fields of the CSV are delimited by comma (,) or semicolon (;). The last field of a line has no delimiter, but instead a Carriage Return (CRLF).

  • Each line has the same number of fields.

  • Fields containing quotation marks, the delimitier or Carriage Return must be enclosed in Quotation Marks. Additionally, to indicate a Quotation mark in a field, two quotation marks should be used.

To comply with the rules of RFC4180, the value Doe, John can be written as "Doe, John", and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson can be written as "Dwayne ""The Rock"" Johnson".

CrossEngage provides 2 methods to add files to the System. To add a new file, go to the Files page in the Data Tab, and click on "Upload new file". You will see a Toggle under "Transfer Type".

For Uploading files directly from your computer, select "Upload". For retrieving files that are present on a remote SFTP Server, select "Download".

  • Give your file a relevant File Name.

  • Choose "Import Type" of your file, specifying the Table the data belongs to.

  • Provide the separator (delimiter) used in the file.

  • To upload file locally from your system, Choose "Upload" transfer type and Choose a file from your System.

  • To download file from Remote Server, Choose "Download" transfer type, and provide the authentication data and file path of the SFTP server.

  • Click on Start Upload.

  • Wait for the file to be processed. You can see processing status on the Files Pages.

Map Data to Tables

In the CrossEngage app, for each table, certain fields have their own processing logic. You can find a list of these fields on the Data Tables Page. You can also add any number of additional fields, which are processed generically during the mapping process.

  • After Uploading your files, go to the Mapping page in the Data Tab.

  • Select the Table to which you want to map Values. If the required Table is not present, click on Add Table, and select the required table.

  • After selecting the table, choose the fields that will be mapped for the table.

    • INTERNAL FUNCTION ---> The name of the field in the CrossEngage table.

    • FIELD NAME ---> The name of the field in the Uploaded CSV file(s).

    • DATA TYPE ---> Data Type of the field. This is dictated by the Table Structure. For more details, please check the Data Tables Page.

    • DATA FORMAT ---> Only available for Date data type. Specify the date format present in the file. Hover your mouse over the Information (i) next to Data Format for how to specify the Format.

    • DESCRIPTION ---> Optional. Description of the Field.

  • After mapping all relevant fields, click Save.

Check Data Quality

Wait for the data files to be processed. Then go to the Overview page in the Data Tab. Here you can see a summary of Customer Data, followed by Data Quality in the Customers Table. Below this you will find a summary of Transaction Data, followed by Data Quality of the Transactions Table. Check if there are any errors or warnings in the Data Quality Report.

Create a Data Package

You should create a new Data Package for every new Campaign.

  • To Create a new data package, go to the Data Package page in the Data Tab.

  • Click on Create New Data Package.

  • Choose all relevant files for the current Campaign. Generally, all BASE files (transactions & activities) should be added to every data package as this data can help build more accurate models. Also select the Customer file, containing the Customers that you wish to add to this Campaign.

  • Click on Create New Data Package

  • Wait for the new Data Package to be Processed.

Last updated