Data Tab
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Last updated
In this section, you can learn how to upload data files to the Platform, and how to process them so they can be used for Prediction Models. You will also learn how to generate a data quality report, to understand if the data is suitable for creating Models.
Click on the Data Tab in the top right corner of the page. When you open the data tab, you can see the Overview Tab. Here you can see graphs summarizing the data available on the Predictions Platform, divided into two parts - customer data and transaction data.
Below the graphs summarizing Customer / Transaction data, you can see a summary of the quality of the data, and warnings/error if any. To see a Sample of the Customer / Transaction Data, click on " Customer / Transaction Data Overview" at the bottom of the report.
The Mapping page shows the Tables created on the CrossEngage Platform, and how the fields from your Uploaded files are mapped to these Tables.
Under Tables, you can see a list of Tables that are present on the Customer Prediction Platform. Click on any Table to see its mapping. Here you can choose the fields in the uploaded files, and let the Platform know which fields in the Tables they correspond to. You can also provide the Date Format used in the file.
Hover your mouse over the information (i) next to "Data Format" to see how to specify Date Format.
The Files page can be used to Upload data to the Predictions Platform. When a new file is added, you can see its progress under 'Status' on the Files page. After uploading a new file, please make sure it is mapped to the relevant Table correctly on the 'Mapping' page.
A data package is a combination of data files which provide a data foundation for a Campaign. For example, if a Campaign aims to select Customers from a certain group, these can be added to a Data Package, so Prediction Models can be created from it. All desired files that are to form the data foundation are transferred to the data package. These files usually provide the data foundation with the entire available history of transactions and activities and the current customer base.
Click on "Create new Data Package" to select files, that are to be used in the package.
Click on Help to download a detailed Guide - "Data Delivery to CrossEngage (Predictions Platform)". If you have any questions, please Reach out to Customer Support.