Google Analytics via Webhook

Find your Google Measurement ID and API Secret

To configure Google Analytics 4 via Webhook, you will need your Google Measurement ID and API Secret. Note that the Measurement ID and the API Secret should be selected from the relevant data stream.

  • Click on the Data Stream you wish to connect to CrossEngage.

  • Copy your measurement ID. This will be needed in CrossEngage.

  • Scroll down to events. Click on 'Measurement Protocol API Secrets".

  • If you have not yet created an API Secret, create a new Secret.

  • Copy your API Secret. This will be needed in CrossEngage.

Configure Google Analytics via Webhook

  • In the CrossEngage app, navigate to Settings > Integrations.

  • Click the Add new integration button in the top right corner of the page.

  • Search for 'webhook' and click Set up.

Using this information, you can now complete the setup form.

In the JSON text, paste the following JSON body:

    "client_id": "handlebar to fetch client id",
    "user_id": "handlebar to fetch user id",
    "events": [
            "name": "event name",
            "params": {
                "param1": "xyz",
                "param2": "xyz"


  • Click 'Apply'.

You can now use this integration in a campaign. When using the integration in a campaign, update the campaign message with the handlebars, event name, and parameters.

Last updated