Create a Campaign Message
You can create your first message by selecting the newly created Webhook integration from the "Send via integration dropdown". We strongly recommend giving your message a descriptive name, which helps you identify what the Webhook is doing at a glance.
Delivery Settings
In this section, you can preview the Destination URL, Content type and Custom Headers as well as add Dynamic URL parts.
Dynamic URL parts are variable URL parameters that can serve as uniform resource identifiers or query parameters. In this field, you can type both static text and dynamic data by using our personalisation language HandleBars. To find out more about HandleBars, click here.
Message Content
Once having reviewed and, optionally, defined any dynamic URL parts, you are ready to edit your message.
If you have defined a default message, you will find this in the Message Content area every time you create a new message.
According to the type of "Content" you have selected when setting up the integration, you can either enter "Plain text" or fill the "URL encoded form" with key - value pairs.
CrossEngage will validate your syntax to help you avoid small errors and will help you find the line where an error occurred.
Previewing your message
To preview your message, click on the "Preview message" button on the bottom left part of your browser page.
The new CrossEngage preview functionality allows you to render any dynamic data entered through HandleBars and load multiple users which you can then browse through at your discretion.
Please be aware that "Previewing" is only available for Audience campaigns as Realtime Campaigns may be based on dynamic data obtained from trigger events.
Sending to a test URL first
CrossEngage allows you to send a test webhook to staging environment first. For this, we have chosen "Hookbin". To start the testing process, please go to Hookbin first. You can then "Create a new endpoint", which will provide you with the URL that can be used for testing.
You can then use the generated URL, to send a test via CrossEngage by pasting it on the above form and clicking the "Send test" button.
Once having reviewed and tested the webhook, you can then save and activate the campaign.
Last updated