Create a Campaign Message

  • Log in to your CrossEngage account.

  • Go to Campaigns and click Create new campaign in the top right corner of the page.

  • Choose whether you want to create an Audience or a Realtime Campaign. Information about the distinction between these types of campaign can be found here.

  • Once you have created your campaign and filled in the "Campaign Setup" and "Target Group" sections, go to the Messages section and click on Create new Message.

  • Select SFTP Upload from the dropdown menu. The message setup screen will open.

  • Under the “Send via integration” heading, select the CrossEngage integration that you set up earlier.

CSV File Properties

  • Choose a field or multiple fields for the filename. It is important to set up meaningful names for your files, so that files can be identified correctly later. For example, if you are exporting files daily, you can use the "Date" field to generate a unique filename every day.

  • Choose your compression scheme. You can compress your file with .zip or .gzip, or leave them uncompressed.

  • Choose whether a header row with Column names should be added to the file.

  • Choose your delimiter. Here we use a comma (,) as it is commonly used as a delimiter.

  • Choose row delimiter. This is the character indicating the end of a row, usually entered with the "Enter" key.

  • Choose a wrapper. This is the character used to enclose all values. Here we use double quotations (").

  • Choose your escape character. When a computer reads this file, it needs to distinguish between the wrapper and the same character used inside a field. Here we are using double quotations (") again, as the CrossEngage feeds can read this escape sequence.

  • Lastly, create the table structure of your file. Here you need to define what fields will be added to the CSV file. You can export User traits directly, or combine them by writing Handlebars.

  • Click Save.

Last updated