Set up an Airship Account

Before you begin, you will need:

  • A paid Airship account.

  • A CrossEngage account.

  • User data (with named user ids)

Generating a bearer token for an Airship project

Bearer tokens are used to authenticate grant and control permissions for entities using the Airship API, sending custom events into the system, or supporting a Real-Time Data Streaming integration. To generate a bearer token,

  • Log in to your Airship account.

  • Go to the ‘Settings’ page.

  • Go to the ‘Tokens’ page.

  • Click on ‘Create Token'.

  • Give your token a name and choose the role ‘All Access’.

Once the token is generated, store it safely as it is needed when you setup your Airship integration in CrossEngage.

User identification in Airship

In Airship, users can be identified either by a Channel ID, which identifies each individual device, or by a Named User ID, which identifies individual users. The essential distinction between these two types of identification is that one client may own multiple devices. We currently support user identification with the named user id.

Airship allows you to configure a unique user identifier called the named user id. Messages sent to a Named User ID are automatically routed to all linked Device IDs.

Be sure to remember which option you’ve chosen, which will be necessary when you set up the integration in CrossEngage.

Loading user data into CrossEngage

Creating users

You can either upload users via API call or via user feed.

  • Instructions on how to load users into the CrossEngage platform via API can be found in User Profile Management> Bulk User Management in our API documentation.

  • Instructions on how to load users into the CrossEngage platform via user feed can be found here.

Last updated