Set up a Twilio Account

Before you begin, you will need the following:

  • Paid Twilio Account with an associated phone number (Trial accounts are not supported)

  • CrossEngage Account

  • User data that includes a phone number

Buying a Number

The following is an example of how to buy a number. If you want to be sure that you do this correctly, contact Twilio or your account manager for support.

You need to have at least one phone number associated with Twilio to use your Twilio account with CrossEngage. To buy a number, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your Twilio account.

  • In the Account Info section, click on View all Numbers.

  • You can buy a number from Twilio by clicking on the Buy a Number button and choosing a number to buy.

Enable Certificate Validation

We recommend enabling certificate validation as it serves as an additional security measure. Have a look at the Security Update On SSL Certificate Validation blog post to learn more.

To enable SSL Certificate Validation, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your Twilio account.

  • In the top right corner of the screen, open the Account menu and choose General Settings.

  • In the "General settings" section, scroll down to the "SSL Certificate Validation" heading and click ENABLED.

Configure user attributes

We suggest you to use the "" user attribute when using Twilio. The user attribute should include a phone number formatted according to the E.164 specification. For example: +4917612345678. This Twilio article about formatting international phone numbers goes into more detail.

Last updated