Setup using Google Tag Manager

Navigate your tag manager to the workspace overview.

Choose the Templates section in the menu on the left. In the Tag Templates section you can now choose Search Gallery to import our tag template.

Searching for CrossEngage Tracking SDK Snippet will lead you to our tag template which is always kept up to date.

You can then add this Snippet to your workspace by clicking on Add to workspace.

Please note that you have to allow the injection of scripts as well as the access of global variables in order to use the tag template.

Once you have added the SDK template in your GTM workspace, you can easily set up a tag that makes use of the SDK template, enabling the CrossEngage tracking functionality.

To set up the tracking, go to Tags > New > Tag Configuration and choose the CrossEngage Tracking SDK Snippet in the Custom section.

You can now enter your respective CrossEngage web tracking API key that can be retrieved from your CrossEngage admin section.

To retrieve your CrossEngage web tracking API key, log into your CrossEngage account and navigate to Settings > System Setup > API keys.up

In this section you can find the correct web tracking API key and simply copy paste it into your tag.

Last updated