Create a Campaign Message

  • Log in to your CrossEngage account.

  • Go to Campaigns and click Create new campaign in the top right corner of the page.

  • Choose whether you want to create an Audience or a Realtime campaign. Information about the distinction between these types of campaigns found here.

  • Once you have created your campaign and filled in the “Campaign setup” and “Target group” sections, go to the Messages section and click Create new message.

  • Select SMS from the dropdown menu. The message setup screen will open.

  • Under the “Send via integration” heading, select the Twilio integration that you set up earlier.

Delivery Options

Sender number

  • From the dropdown, select one of the numbers you have configured on Twilio.

    This number will be used to send the SMS messages.

Message text

  • Write the body of the SMS that you will send. The content can be customised using Handlebars. The Handlebars page goes into more depth about how you can take advantage of Handlebars.

Max price (optional)

Last updated