Predict Campaign Profit
Click on the Prediction Tab in the top right corner of your screen.
From the dropdown Menu, choose the Model you wish to create a Prediction for.
Enter Commercial Data
Click on the Edit button in the Header.
Give your Selection a meaningful name.
Enter Contact Cost. This is the Cost per Customer contact, for example, in a Print Campaign this can be the cost of printing and shipping Marketing Material per Customer.
Enter Overhead Cost. This is the sum of all One-time costs for the Campaigns, for example, the design cost of the Marketing Material.
If your Prediction optimizes for Conversion rather than Revenue, enter Average Order Value. This is the mean amount paid by customers for an Order.
Enter Average Profit Margin. This helps the Predictions Platform understand how much revenue turns into Gross Profit.
Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Window and click 'Apply' to save the commercial data for the current prediction. Alternately, you can click the Save button next to the Commercial Data; This saves the data for all predictions.
Make a Selection
To automatically set Optimum Selection Size, click on "Optimize for Profit". YOu can see the number of the customers present in the Optimal Selection.
Optionally, deselect "Optimize for Profit", and manually enter the preffered number of customers for the Campaign.
Click Export.
Last updated